archaelogy walks

12 Pushchair-friendly walks in and around Inverness

12 Pushchair-friendly walks in and around Inverness

With several small children, it can be hard to find walks that are suitable for all the family. Here are twelve of our favourite pushchair-friendly walks in the Inverness area. They are also suitable for kids on balance bikes! We’ve split the guide up into two sections: walks in Inverness itself, and walks in the…

Ord Hill: A walk through history on the Black Isle

Ord Hill: A walk through history on the Black Isle

Ord Hill lies just over the Kessock Bridge to the north of Inverness. It is topped by an ancient hill fort, the pair to the fort atop Craig Phadrig on the other side of the Firth. Both hilltops command great strategic views over the surrounding area, and both forts have evidence of vitrified (burnt) stone…

Craig Phadrig – A walk through history in Inverness

Craig Phadrig – A walk through history in Inverness

On the hilltop to the west of Inverness lies the hill fort of Craig Phadrig, dating back to Pictish times. This is the mostly likely scene for the famous encounter between the Pictish King Bridei and St Columba, which happened around the year 565AD. You can explore the hill fort itself, and there are also…