
Ord Hill: A walk through history on the Black Isle

Ord Hill: A walk through history on the Black Isle

Ord Hill lies just over the Kessock Bridge to the north of Inverness. It is topped by an ancient hill fort, the pair to the fort atop Craig Phadrig on the other side of the Firth. Both hilltops command great strategic views over the surrounding area, and both forts have evidence of vitrified (burnt) stone…

Culbokie Wood: A family walk on the Black Isle

Culbokie Wood: A family walk on the Black Isle

There’s lots to see and do in Culbokie Wood, including a loch, an ancient fort, and Esker ridge, and a permanent orienteering course. If you come at the right time of year, there are also a vast amount of blaeberries! Distance: There are a number of different routes through Culbokie Wood. We followed one of…